Jonathan Boccara's blog

Get Better with Legacy Code This Summer (Limited Offer)

Published June 4, 2019 - 0 Comments

Do you have to work with legacy code?

If you answered Yes, then you’re like most software developers.

Is it a pleasant experience?

If you answered No, then you’re still like most software developers.

The reality of Legacy Code

It shouldn’t be that way. Most of us choose to become programmers out of passion, so it would make sense that our day-to-day jobs are made of fascinating projects. But with legacy code in the way, it’s not always that easy, is it?

It always saddens me when I see the motivation of a software developer go down the drain because they didn’t expect that the codebase they would work on would look like THAT.

And I watched this happen over and over, when I talked to developers at international conferences, local meetups or on the Internet.

Here are the some of the problems that come up often. Perhaps you’ve encountered some of them too:

  • “legacy code is hard to understand,”
  • “its documentation is scarce/nonexistent/useless/misleading,”
  • “this code is s***,”
  • “this code prevents me from improving my skills,”
  • “this function is WAY too long,”
  • “there are so many things that need to be improved that I don’t know where to start,”
  • “we’re lacking knowledge about the system,”
  • “I waste a lot of time in endless debugging sessions.”

Does any of those sound familiar?

If so, your motivation and your programming skills are in danger of going down the drain too. You need to re-boost them, and become happy and efficient when working with legacy code.

And that’s totally doable!

How to be happy and efficient with legacy code

My best answer to the question “How to be happy and efficient with legacy code” doesn’t hold in a word. It doesn’t hold even in a page or a blog post.

It’s a book:

legacy code programmer toolbox

As you can guess from the cover, this book contains chapters that cover the exact problems we’ve mentioned above.

This book sums up all I know about how to be happy and efficient with legacy code, plus the additions of the 27 professional developers from all over the world that reviewed it and brought in the ideas that help them in their jobs.

More than 400 people have read the book so far, and some readers got back to me with stories describing how that book changed their view about legacy code, and made their life at work easier.

I would love for you read this book this summer. For that, you can take advantage of a limited offer this month of June.

Make this summer count

For many of us, summer is a moment in the year where we have more time. Perhaps because we’re going away to relax, or perhaps because there are less people in the office because they went away to relax.

Anyway, summer is often a great time to catch up on books, projects, videos, courses, etc. in order to get better next year.

Here is the June deal: to get The Legacy Code Programmer’s Toolbox for cheap and read it this summer, just become a Patron of Fluent C++. You’ll then get the book for FREE at checkout.

If you do the maths, that a sizeable saving. Especially since you decide how much you want to contribute exactly.

This summer, let’s get better at working wih legacy code, and make next year awesome.

Don’t forget, the offer ends on June 30th!

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