Jonathan Boccara's blog

Getting Inspired by Good Code

Published November 14, 2017 - 15 Comments

Daily C++One way to write better code is… to read lots of great code! But where to find good code?

In this week’s video, I detail how this technique works and several places easy to access to find good C++ to take inspiration of.

And yes, you are going to see videos popping up on Fluent C++! They come from the brand-new Fluent C++ Youtube channel. The videos are planned to take a growing proportion of the contents coming out on Fluent C++, until they reach a 1-1 parity with the written contents. The mid-term objective is to have one video and one written article published every week.

But you need to know that this video is… my first video, ever!

So, could you please tell me what you DON’T like in it? Your feedback will help me produce better videos for you as soon as possible. Thanks!!

Here are the links of the resources pointed to in the video:

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